Photo credit: USA Today |
Well, a big consecutive date is now in the past. 12/13/14 has come and gone, and now we look ahead to the next major milestone of this kind. Most people note that because 13/14/15 isn't going to be possible next year, and indeed none of the integers that follow will ever be possible (as December is the 12th month), the next major such date will be 01/02/03, in 2103, a little over 88 years from now.
Photo credit: KeepCalm-a-Matic |
But never fear, Fibonacci is here! We actually have a Fibonacci date coming up in just under seven years! First let's look back at the last Fibonacci date. It would have been 05/08/13, or May 8th of last year. Our European friends would even argue that where they live, that date would have been August 5 of 2013, even more recent.
So when will the next Fibonacci date be? On August 13, 2021, the date will be 08/13/21. Sorry, Europeans. No such date for you. So make your plans early, and prepare for the last Fibonacci date celebration of the century!